News & Announcements

  • Students explore at the Book Fair

    Recently the Francis X. Hegarty Elementary School PTA sponsored their annual Scholastic Book Fair giving students a chance to explore and purchase some of their favorite reads.

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • Welcome to the Island Park Family

    Island Park School District welcomes Ms. Shannon Malagreca as principal of Francis X. Hegarty. Ms. Malagreca has extensive experience in school administration and elementary education, most recently serving aIsland Park School District welcomes Ms. Shannon Malagreca as principal of Francis X. Hegarty. Ms. Malagreca has extensive experience in school administration and elementary education, most recently serving as assistant principal of PS 457/Sheridan Academy for Young Leaders in the Bronx since 2021, where she also previously served as acting principal.

    During her role as both assistant and acting principal, Ms. Malagreca helped to increase student attendance by restoring positive student-faculty relationships. She also supervised and evaluated teaching staff and supported teachers in becoming reflective in their practice.

    Prior to her role as assistant principal, Ms. Malagreca served as a literary consultant for educational consulting company Generation Ready, where she supported school principals in effective leadership practices and helped them identify school strengths and needs. She also served as an elementary teacher on both Long Island and New York City.

     Ms. Malagreca received her bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Dowling College. She also holds a master’s degree in school building leadership from The College of New Rochelle and a master’s degree in children’s literature from Queens College.
    s assistant principal of PS 457/Sheridan Academy for Young Leaders in the Bronx since 2021, where she also previously served as acting principal.

    During her role as both assistant and acting principal, Ms. Malagreca helped to increase student attendance by restoring positive student-faculty relationships. She also supervised and evaluated teaching staff and supported teachers in becoming reflective in their practice.

    Prior to her role as assistant principal, Ms. Malagreca served as a literary consultant for educational consulting company Generation Ready, where she supported school principals in effective leadership practices and helped them identify school strengths and needs. She also served as an elementary teacher on both Long Island and New York City.

     Ms. Malagreca received her bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Dowling College. She also holds a master’s degree in school building leadership from The College of New Rochelle and a master’s degree in children’s literature from Queens College.

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • Island Park Elementary Students Recognized for Good Traits

    FXH students recently gathered in the school’s gymnasium for January’s monthly assembly to celebrate fellow peers being recognized for having tolerance, understanding, diversity, multiculturalism, respecting differences, understanding, and appreciating others. Throughout the school year, Monthly Character Traits Awards are presented to two students from each class for respect, perseverance, compassion, tolerance, honest, self-esteem, responsibility, loyalty, and good character.  

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • Island Park Students Celebrate Patriot Day

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary students and staff celebrated Patriot Day on the morning of Sept. 11. Students gathered for a special tribute honoring local heroes on the front lawn around the school’s flagpole.

    Under the direction of Principal Adam Frankel, the program started with the Pledge of Allegiance and included a tribute recognizing everyday heroes. Principal Frankel encouraged students to think about how they can be a hero by performing acts of service and good deeds within our families and school community. Poems about heroes were shared by students and the program concluded with everyone singing, “God Bless America.”

    The patriotic feeling continued as students placed flags on the walkway leading to the entrance of the building.


    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • Island Park elementary students recognized for good traits

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary School students recently gathered for a special assembly to celebrate fellow peers being recognized for having good character traits. Throughout the school year, Monthly Character Traits Awards will be presented to two students from each class for respect, perseverance, compassion, tolerance, honest, self-esteem, responsibility, loyalty, and good character.

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • Students of the Month celebrated at Board of Education meeting

    At the November 13 Island Park Board of Education meeting, several students were recognized as October Students of the Month.

    The learner profile attribute for October was “knowledgeable,” which describes students who develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. These students engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.

    Students honored for this learner profile attribute were Jack Barnes (kindergarten), Parker Szachacz (grade 1), Everett Castell (grade 2), Catherine Rodahan (grade 3), Michal Skrine (grade 4), Sean Trahan (grade 5), Adan Rodriguez (grade 6), Andrew Ruiz (grade 7) and Ella Melle (grade 8).

    Following student recognitions, Superintendent of Schools Vincent Randazzo reported important district updates to the Board and the general public. A highlight of Mr. Randazzo’s presenation was student goal setting also known as “Wildly Important Goals” (WIG). The presentation slides can be found on the Superintendent’s Corner page of the Island Park Union Free School District website following this URL:

    To watch the full meeting, visit:

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
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FXH School Calendar

  • FXH/LOMS Faculty Mtgs

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • FXH Prime Time

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • FXH FLES Showcase Begins

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • FXH FLES Showcase Ends

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • FXH Parent-Teacher Evening Conferences

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • FXH Parent-Teacher Conferences Early Dismissal for FXH Students

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • FXH, LOMS & UPK Bus Safety Drills

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
  • FXH & LOMS Site-Based Mtg

    Francis X. Hegarty Elementary
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